Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Meet My Staff

This is my staff. Don't they look relaxed! They're movin' and shakin' on the campaign trail! I think that's abundantly clear! I got an email today that they were working on getting something out. I'm not sure what that meant butt I'm looking forward to the big surprise. They also mentioned something about an evacuation at campaign headquarters today. I have a gut feeling that it's some sort of 'smear' tactic. We haven't had alot of movement in the campaign yet so maybe this is the way to go! Hey I think I just stumbled onto a great campaign slogan! We are The Movement of The Moment! Yeah, I think I'll go with that. W'ere flush with slogans. VOTE HARNEY!

Monday, February 25, 2008

There's Nothing Here

I got nothing to say.....well, except that I'm running for President of the UNITED STATES! ...YES! You heard me right! I am running on a platform of CHANGE!..... Spare Change, Change the Channel, Change Your Underwear. That's the kind of change I'm talkin about! YEAH! Oh by the way.....send money! Whatdya think I got rich as a working stiff?